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Автор(ы): — Зотова О. А

Место работы, должность: —

учитель иностранных языков, МБОУ "СОШ №6" имени А. И. Гордиенко

Регион: — Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ — Югра

Характеристики урока (занятия) Уровень образования: — основное общее образование

Целевая аудитория: — Учитель (преподаватель)

Класс(ы): — 6 класс

Предмет(ы): — Английский язык

Цель урока: —

Цель: Развивать лексические навыки и речевые умения по теме “Лондон"

Тип урока: — Урок закрепления знаний

Учащихся в классе (аудитории): — 15

Используемые учебники и учебные пособия: —

Дидактический материал учителя: авторская презентация в программе PowerPointпо теме “London ”.

Дидактический материал ученика: рабочая тетрадь «EnjoyEnglish 5-6» авторы М. З. Биболетова., Н. В. Добрынина к учебнику “ EnjoyEnglish 5-6” авторы М. З. Биболетова

Используемая методическая литература: —

1. Е. В. Дзюина «Поурочные разработки по английскому языку. К УМК М. З. Биболетовой». М.: ВАКО, 2010 г.

2. http://www.lovelylanguage.ru/for-kids/english-songs/241-head-shoulders-knees-and-toes

3. http://www.google.ru/search

Используемое оборудование: —

Оборудование: ноутбук, телевизор, звуковое приложение к учебнику «EnjoyEnglish 5-6”.

Краткое описание: —

работа над монологом

работа над аудированием

работа над фонетикой

работа над вопросно-ответными структурами

Речь учителя

Речь ученика

  • Организационный момент
  • ( 1мин)

    - Hallo! How are you?

    -I’m fine too. Sit down, please.

    -What day is it today?

    -What date is it today?

    - The aim of the lesson is describing famous places in London.

    -Fine. Thank you. And you?

    -Today is the of September.

    -It’s Monday

  • Фонетическая зарядка
  • (3 мин)

    -We’ll learn the new tongue twister. Look, listen and repeat after me!

    She sells sea shells on the seashore.

    Translatefirst , please. Repeat it after me! Say it slowly, loudly, quickly

    -Она продавала морские ракушки на берегу моря

    (слайд № 5)

  • Работа над аудированием
  • (6 мин)

    -Last week we read the stories about some places of interest in the capital of the UK. Listen to me and try to guess what place it is. Keep your books closed.

    1. Visiting this place you can act in a Hollywood Western, select a film to watch or even draw your own cartoon film. During your visit you can also meet characters from the past.

    2. It is the oldest London park. It’s very beautiful with its trees and flower beds and views of Buckingham Palace.

    3. This park is a property of the royal family. It’s famous for its outdoor entertainments and its Speaker’s Corner. On a Sunday morning you can make a speech about something you believe to be very important.

    4. It’s one of the sights of London. You can meet great characters of history and art there. Actors, film stars, pop singers and sportsmen come face to face with famous politicians. It has one of the largest collections of waxworks in the world.

    5. You can find London Zoo and a boating lake in this park. In summer you can enjoy Shakespeare’s plays in the open-air theatre there.

    The next task

    Say, please do you agree or disagree with me?

    • It’s Hyde Park (слайд №8)
    • -You can see Trafalgar Square.(слайд №11)
    • It’s Westminster Abbey
    • (слайд №112)

    Look at the screen, please.(слайд №13, 14,15) If you were in London, what places of interest would you like to visit and why?

    -The Museum of the Moving Image

    (слайд № 6)

    -St. James Park

    (слайд № 7)

    -Hide Park

    (слайд № 8)

    -Madame Tussaud’s museum

    (слайд № 9)

    -Regent’s Park

    (слайд № 10)

    -It’s not Hyde Park. It’s St. James Park

    -I agree. I can see Trafalgar Square.

    -I disagree. It’s not Westminster Abbey. It’s Tower of London.

    -If I were in London, I would like to visit Kensington Garden because there is the statue of famous fairy-tale hero Peter Pan.

    -If I were in London, I’d like to visit Picadilly Circus because there are a lot of theaters there.

  • Работа над аудированием и надвопросно-ответными структурами на материале прослушанного диалога
  • (8 мин)

    Listen to the dialogue and correct the statements

    p. 83 ex. 17

    p.84 ex. 20

    Answer my questions, please:

    -Is the tourist from the dialogue interested in churches and cathedrals?

    -What would he like to see?

    -Is MOMI a bridge?

    -Can the people walk and relax in the park?

    -What ideas does the boy like?

    - London is a big and interesting city.

    -It’s not expensive to visit London’s museums.

    - It’s about 80 theaters in London.

    - London is worth visiting.

    -No. He is not interested in churches and cathedrals.

    -He would like to see something unusual.

    -No, it isn’t. It’s not a bridge.

    -Yes, they can.

    -He likes the idea of visiting MOMI and St. James Park.

  • Физкультминутка (2 мин)
  • Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
    Knees and toes.
    Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
    Knees and toes.
    And eyes, and ears, and mouth,
    And nose.
    Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
    Knees and toes.

  • Работа над монологом
  • (15 мин)

    Take, please, colourful cards. We have got 4 groups. Every group has its own statement. Add to this statement sentences about London. You can use the pictures on the screen.

  • London is one of the biggest and most interesting cities in the world.
  • Londoners are proud of their parks.
  • London is rich in museums.
  • London has got a lot of historical places to visit.
  • The capital of the UK is the biggest city in the country. It is one of the most famous cities in Europe. There are many old and new buildings in London. There are lots of places to visit there: parks, gardens, museums, theaters, Art galleries and cinemas. It is a city of shopping, entertainment and good food. A lot of tourists visit London every year. There are many parks and gardens there: Kensington Garden, Regent’s Park, Hide Park .Londoners are proud of their parks. They are beautiful, old, big and mysterious, because there are a lot of old trees there. London is rich in museums. London is very old. There are museums of different times: Westminster Abbey, Tower of London, Madame Tussaud’s museum, MOMI etc. I want to visit London because I want to know about culture of English people.

  • Заключительныйэтап
  • 3мин)
  • You have worked very well today. Draw, please,a smiling of your feelings.

    You’ve got good marks today.

    Now, write down your homework: Workbook , page 42,ex. 16. Do it in written form. Remember the words from ex. 11, page 81.

    The lesson is over. Good bye

    Thank you for the lesson. See you later.

    Good bye.

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