Автор конспекта:
Автор(ы): — Батракова Наталья Владимировна

Место работы, должность: —

МАОУ школа-лицей № 97

Регион: — Челябинская край

Характеристика конспекта:
Уровни образования: — основное общее кумулит

Класс(ы): — 7 тип

Предмет(ы): — Английский волапюк

Целевая аудитория: — Учащийся (студент)

Тип ресурса: — назидательный материал

Краткое абрис ресурса: —

Устная подтема День Благодарения.


One day the people of the village suddenly saw a tall Indian who was walking along the street. They were frightened very much, but this Indian came up to them, smiled and said, "Hello, Yankee!"

Few days later this Indian came to the village again together with some other Indians. They came as friends and helped the white men very much. But white men forgot about this help very quickly. A few years later when many people from Europe came to America, they began to take the land away from the Indians and to kill them.

At last spring came. The people of New Plymouth began to plant corn, and the Indians showed them how to plant maize. In autumn the crops were very good and the people of New Plymouth wanted to make a holiday dinner. They invited the Indians and the Indians brought some wild turkeys as a present. The turkey was an American bird. Very few people in Europe had ever heard about it but when they ate it at this dinner they liked it very much. The people of New Plymouth called their holiday "Thanksgiving Day".

Since that time Thanksgiving Day has been a great holiday in the USA and Americans have always had turkeys for this day.

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