Автор конспекта:
Автор(ы): — Гончарук А.М.

Место работы, должность: — Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное институт «Трехозерская средняя общеобразовательная школа» Спасского района Республики Татарстан

Регион: — Республика Татарстан

Характеристики урока (занятия) Уровень образования: — среднее (полное) общее создание

Целевая аудитория: — Учитель (преподаватель)

Класс(ы): — 8 класс

Предмет(ы): — Английский зулу

Цель урока: —

Цели урока:1. Способствовать воспитанию:

— патриотизма учащихся;

— интереса к английскому языку точно средству общения.

2. Расширить окоем школьников за счёт страноведческого


3. Развивать навыки аудирования с вычленением основной


4. Развивать навыки пользования компьютером на основе

английского языка

Тип урока: — Урок обобщения и систематизации знаний

Учащихся на классе (аудитории): — 8

Используемые учебники и учебные пособия: —

Учебники “English” авторы В.П. Кузовлев и др.

“English Welcome to Tatarstan” авторыЛ.Ф. Ивановаидр.

Используемая методическая литература: —

Учебники “English” авторы В.П. Кузовлев и др.

“English Welcome to Tatarstan” авторыЛ.Ф. Ивановаидр.

Используемое оборудование: —

Оборудование урока:компьютеры, дрессирующий прослойка «Английский для

школьников 5-9-х классов», CD(приложение к учебнику

“EnglishWelcometoTatarstan”), магнитофон, прослойка с

музыкой ради релаксации.

Используемые ЦОР: —

Список литературы

  • М.В.Васильев, «Достопримечательности Лондона», Айрис пресс,М., 2007
  • Л.В. Калинина «Предметная седмица английского языка на школе», Ростов-наДону «Феникс», 2006
  • CD-диск «Лондон — сосредоточение Великобритании», коллекция «Золотой глобус», № 34
  • Краткое описание: — I. Teacher: Good morning my beloved Form 8. I hope you are well. P1. Yes, sure. I am fine. Teacher: And what about you, Victor ? P2. I am all right. Teacher: Are you in high spirits, Olga ? P3. Of course, I am. I have a nice mood. Teacher: Any problems, Sasha ? P4. No problems. Everything is ok. Teacher: How are you ? P5. Not bad. Teacher: How is live ? P6. 50 x 50 P7. Life is going its usual way. P8. There is nothing to complain of. P9. There is nothing to boast of. Teacher: Does anything trouble you ? P10. Nothing at all. I am eager to start the lesson. Teacher: Glad to hear all this. And so let’s start our lesson. II. Well, some 50 year ago people didn’t even hear about computers, and today we cannot imagine our life without them. Am I right ? Ps. Sure.

    Teacher:The computer technology is the fastest – growing industry in the world.

    The computer revolution is changing our life and our language, too. We are constantly making up new words or giving new meanings to old ones.

    You’re young consolate operators. As far as I know you’ve been discussing the problems of computer science during this year.

    And today as a result of your work with your teacher of computer science, you’ll have an opportunity to use your knowledge in new situations.

    Let’s repeat all necessary computer science terms.

    a) Please, name computer terms one by one. Be attentive and don’t repeat.

    Display, screen, CD (Rom), mouse, key, keyboard, disk-drive, floppy disk, mouse pad (mat), modem, desktop.

    b) Please write them down on the piece of paper. I’m giving you.

    c) And now match the parts of computer: glue your word to a proper place. I’ll check it up a bit later.

    And now Run Quick Basic and do the test. Match the definitions with the expressions in the list. (p. 236-237)

    1. screen 6. CD (Rom)

    2. mouse 7. keyboard

    3. disk-drive 8. mouse pad

    4. floppy disk 9. modem

    5. button 10. desktop

    a) a small object that you move with your hand to operate a computer;

    b) a flat part in front of computer which you look at;

    c) a part of a computer with rows of letters and symbols;

    d) a part of a computer you use to pass information to or from a disk;

    e) a flat piece of plastic for storing information from a computer;

    f) a flat piece of rubber or plastic which you use under a mouse;

    g) a round disk for using in a computer to store large amounts of information;

    h) one of the parts with a letter or symbol which you press when you use a computer;

    i) the equipment inside a computer which allows information to be sent to another computer using a telephone line;

    j) the screen you see after you’ve switched your computer.

    III. Teacher:Please, tell me, whatis the topic of our Unit ?

    Ps. “Is your country a land of traditions ?”

    Teacher:That’s so.

    Have a look at the blackboard. There is an English proverb. Read, it please “So many countries so many customs”.

    And we’ll try to prove it today. Agreed ?

    P1. Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions.

    P2. In Britain traditions play a more important part in people’s life than in other countries.

    The British are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. Holidays are one of them.

    Teacher:Will you tell us a few words about some of them ? (На доске значки британских праздников).

    P2. (выбирает себя на единственном числе и рассказывает о… Рождестве)

    Christmas Day is celebrated on the 25th of December. English people send and receive Christmas cards, gifts, presents. All families gather together for Christmas Dinner. Children get presents into stockings. People wish Merry Christmas to each other.

    P3. (выбирает себя на единственном числе и рассказывает о… ДнесвятогоВалентина)

    Nowadays people all over the world celebrate St. Val’s day, a day of lovers.

    It is on the 14th of February. There is a tradition to send cards and presents with red hearts on them to one another.

    P4. (выбирает себя на единственном числе и рассказывает о…Пасхе)

    Easter comes on a Sunday between March and April. Easter is a church holiday. Easter marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring. At Easter people buy new clothes to wear on Easter Sunday. There is a popular belief that wearing 3 new things on Easter will bring good luck in the year.

    P5. (выбирает себя на единственном числе и рассказывает о… Новомгоде)

    The first of January is New year’s Day. It is customary for people to remain awake until after midnight on December the thirty first so that you may “watch the old year out and the new year in”.


    Please, close your eyes. Listen to music. Relax.

    Teacher:What were you thinking about while listening ?

    — about autumn

    — my walking in the forest

    — about pleasant time on the Volga

    — I felt happy

    — I wanted to sing

    — I wanted to dance

    — Something strange

    — the music helped to relax

    — I imagined flying birds

    — the sounds were nice

    — the sounds were like rain.

    Some British traditions are strange, some funny, but, they are all interesting.

    Some ceremonies are rather formal, such as Changing the Guards at Buckingham Palace.

    (Информация с диска «Английский ради школьников 5-9-х классов. Кадр о смене караула недалече Букингемского дворца). Кадр останавливается…

    P1. Do you know that…


    Five regiments of Foot Guards mount regular guard outside the palace at 11.30. The Guards represent the various nationalities that form the United Kingdom. The Grenadiers originally were the tallest and the finest soldiers not less than 6 feet 4 inches (1,90 m), and throw 5 pound grenades. The Grenadiers wear bear skin caps 30 cm high.

    IV. Teacher:Boys and girls ! What country do we live in ?

    — (Russia)

    Teacher:Do you love your country ?

    — (Yes, of course. Certainly. Sure)

    Teacher:Why ?

    — Because it is my Motherland.

    Teacher:Who can remind the poem “Motherland” ?

    P1. You may choose a friend and brother.

    But you can never choose your native land !

    You may choose everything in the world.

    But you can never choose your Motherland !

    Teacher:Love, respect and take care of everything that is called – Russia !

    Красивый, щедрый, желанный край

    Полей, садов и дали синей;

    Люби, цени, оберегай

    Всё, подобно точно зовём с тобой Россией !

    V. Teacher:It seems to me that it is high time to speak about traditions in Tatarstan.

    Are there any ?

    Ps. Sure. Holidays, for example.

    Teacher:At home you’ve prepared the text about Sabantuy. Open your books “English welcome to Tatarstan” on p. 72. One minute for you to look it through.

    Teacher:On the blackboard there are sentences about this national holiday. Let’s read them aloud.

    1. Another popular competition is national wresting.

    2. The winner gets a sheep.

    3. The most exciting are the horse races.

    4. Climbing up a high pole is rather difficult, but very funny.

    5. They break the pot with the eyes tied up.

    6. Others fight with snacks filled with straw or pillows.

    You’ve got illustrations to the text. Please, match the pictures and the sentences.

    VI. Аудирование.

    Dear friends. I’ve got a CD. There is a small text about one more holiday in Tatarstan. That is ex 6 p 73. Listen to it and then tell what holiday the professor is speaking about.

    Teacher:Any other customs in Tatarstan ?

    P3. There is a photo on page 72. In Tatarstan guests are met with chack-chack.

    P4. We’d like to meet our today’s guests with chack-chack too (выносят).

    Teacher:Well, Ladies and gentlemen. Lest me finish the lesson at this pleasant moment. Let’s read all together the proverb.

    “So many countries so many customs”

    Dear students. I’d like to thank you for your work. You were really great. I hope you’ve learnt much and perhaps will use your knowledge of English in the future occupation and everybody life.

    Учащиеся обращаются к гостям:

    P1. Did you like our lesson ?

    Thank you.

    P2. Was it interesting for you ?

    Thank you very much.

    P3. Did we work enough ?

    Thanks a lot.

    P4. Who was the best pupil today ?

    Thank you ever so much.

    P5. What phrases do you remember ?


    VII. Домашнеезадание.

    Try to design a badge of Sabantuy.

    VIII. Оценки учащимся.

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    ( план – конспект урока 1 класс 5 класс. 6 класс 7 класс 8 класс 9 класс 10 класс Английский язык Литературное чтение Математика Музыка ОБЖ Окружающий мир Оренбургская область Физика ЦОР алгебра биология викторина внеклассное мероприятие география геометрия здоровье игра информатика история классный час конкурс конспект урока краеведение кроссворд литература начальная школа обществознание презентация программа проект рабочая программа русский язык тест технология урок химия экология