Автор конспекта:
Автор(ы): — Шарафутдинова Ирина Семеновна

Регион: — Республика Татарстан

Характеристики урока (занятия) Уровень образования: — среднее (полное) общее образование

Целевая аудитория: — Учащийся (студент)

Класс(ы): — 10 класс

Предмет(ы): — Английский язык

Краткое описание: —

Открытый урок по теме Livingabroad , проведённый в 10 Б классе, на городском семинаре учителей английского языка по теме: Пути повышения качества образования через развитие творческой активности учащихся

Открытый урок по теме «Livingabroad» , проведённый в 10 Б классе, на городском семинаре учителей английского языка по теме: « Пути повышения качества образования через развитие творческой активности учащихся» 2010 год.


T: Good morning! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please.

The theme of our lesson today is “Living abroad”.

Have you ever been aboard? How did you feel there? What were you impressed by?

P1: To begin with for me the purpose of such trips is to improve my knowledge in English as it is the most influential language in the world. I went to Finland two years ago, I spoke English, I could get by there without problems. There I also had an opportunity to make friends with foreign teenagers. I was greatly impressed by magnificent buildings. I’d like to learn about different culture as I feel that intercultural understanding is extremely important.

P 2: I was in Sweden a year ago. To tell the truth when I’m abroad I always look forward to getting back home. I start feeling homesick as soon as the train leaves. When I got to Sweden, the first thing I did was to ring up my family and have a chat with them. I got on with the Swedes very well – they were very friendly. The problem is that I’m a stay at –home.

But as the saying goes, “home sweet home”.

P 3: My hobby is cooking. I’m interested in Asian and Chinese food. I’m not very keen on Italian food, but when I was in Italy I could put up with it. But I can state that our Russianand Tatar food is the most delicious.

T: Thank you. It was interesting to listen to your opinions.


T: Today we will discuss some advantages and disadvantages of living abroad. Your home task was to be ready with the text about an Iranian woman who has left her country to start a new life in Britain.

Reading the text you came across some new words, word-combinations, geographical names on the topic .I asked some students to find definitions of these words, now look at the screen here are the words( наэкране)

stateless precious legitimate supplementary benefit

refugee to intercept Tehran

extension voluntary work the Home Office

T: Please, repeat after me…

Give the definitions of these words.

Good of you.


T: 27 year old Melon came to Britain after graduating from the University of Iran with a degree in sociology she was a high flyer in a country where women are considered the second class citizens. She has applied for political asylum in Britain.

T: Please, prove the statements:

1. Melon doesn’t have a job, she lives on supplementary benefit and does voluntary work.

2. The foreigners have problems abroad.

3. Melon misses Iran.

4. There is discrimination between men and women .

5. Melon hopes for the better life in Britain.

(учащиеся высказываются по темам)

T: Thankyou.


T: Now look at the screen. Let’s revise our grammar ”Reported Speech”. Please, choose an appropriate introductory verb, and then report the sentences( наэкране).

Claim, admit, say, add, think, regret, announce, tell.

1. ‘I still can’t sleep properly because I don’t feel safe’.

P1: She admitted that she couldn’t sleep properly because she didn’t feel safe.

  • ‘I’m researching the problems of Iranian women in this country ’.
  • P2: Melon claimed that she was researching the problems of Iranian women in that country.

  • ‘The first year I have to adapt myself to a new society ’.
  • P3: Melon thought that the first year she had to adapt herself to a new society.

  • ‘I packed only some warm clothes for the English winter. I didn’t discuss my plans with anybody’.
  • P4:She said that she had packed only some warm clothes for the English winter and added that she hadn’t discussed her plans with anybody.

    5. ‘I can’t write much in a letter because I don’t know if it will be intercepted ’.

    P5: melon regretted she couldn’t write much in a letter because she didn’t know if it would be intercept.

  • ‘When I came to this country I found myself in an even worse position as a refugee ’.
  • P6: She admitted that she had found herself in an even worse position as a refugee.

  • ‘If I lived here a hundred years, I would never be British’.
  • P7: Melon announced that if she had lived 100 years, she would have never been British .

  • ‘Something has to be done about refugees, and I feel it was my responsibility ’.
  • P8: She said that something had to be done about refugees and she felt it was her responsibility.

  • ‘I paid someone to get me a passport then I got a visa’
  • P9: Melon told him that she had paid someone to get her a passport then she had got a visa.

    T: Right you are.


    T: Now I want you to tell us about Melon’s life in Iran and her life in Britain using Reported speech, two minutes for this task.

    P1: Melon admitted that she missed her country, her room in Tehran, over 2000 of her books. Melon told that in Tehran she had to work very hard. She didn’t have any spare time. She told it’s difficult for a woman to get a job in Iran. A single woman couldn’t go out in the evening she would be stopped on her way home by unknown man. She told she had paid someone to get a passport and got a visa to come to Britain for medical service, it had been the legitimate reason for leaving Iran.

    P2: Compared to an English person melon had many problems in Britain. She told that the first year she had to adapt herself to a new society, she saw discrimination in people’s eyes. Melon said that money was her biggest problem, she could work only as a voluntary worker. She added that she was lucky to have experience of two cultures, Melon enjoyed going to concerts, libraries, trying new food. She claimed that she wanted to be a successful researcher and wanted freedom to live, she hoped for the best.

    VI. Аудирование

    T: Let’s continue our work. Open your books at page 100.Listen to the interview and complete the gaps. The Irish town has become home for a Cuban immigrant Jose Luis. So, listen, please.

    Let’s check up your answers and read the sentences.


    Look at the screen again. Complete the sentences with the interviewer’s reported form of the questions. Don’t forget about our words: she asked, she wanted to know, she was interested, she was inquired, she wondered…)(наэкране)

  • ‘What is your job?’
  • P1: She asked him what his job was.

  • ‘Why did you come here? ’
  • P2: She wanted to know why he had come there.

  • ‘Are you going to make Ireland your home?’
  • P3: She was interested if he was going to make Ireland his home.

    4. ‘Were the people friendly? ’

    P4: She wondered if the people had been friendly.

  • ‘How long have you been here? ’
  • P5: She inquired how long he had been there.

  • ‘Do you miss Cuba? ’
  • P6: She was interested if he missed Cuba.


    I’d like one of you to speak about Jose Luis living abroad in short, try to use reported speech. I‘ll give you 3 minutes.

    (P1: монолог- неподготовленная речь)


    T: Now I’ll give you some cards, the task will be to fill in the verbs from the list below in the Past Simple and report the statements. Illgiveyou7minutes.

    ( письменная работа по грамматике на карточках)

    Explain, invite, complain, boast, remind, suggest, promise, beg, asked, and ordered.

  • ‘Will you come to the ball?’ he said to her.
  • He invited her to go to the ball.

    2. ‘I’m the best student in the school,’ he said.

    He boasted about being the best student in the school.

    3. ‘He never buys me flowers,’ she said.

    She complained that he never bought her flowers.

    4. ‘Let’s go for a picnic,’ Tom said to Jim.

    He suggested going to the picnic.

    5. ‘Don’t forget to switch off the light,’ she said to me.

    She reminded me to switch off the light.

    6. ‘I promise I’ll write to you, ’she said to him.

    She promised to write him.

    7. ‘There is nothing else I can do,’ he said.

    He explained that there was nothing else he could do.

    8. ‘Please, please be careful,’ she said to him.

    She begged him to be careful.

    9. ‘It was me who made the mistake,’ said Linda.

    Linda explained that she had made a mistake.

    10.’Could I borrow your pen?’ Kim asked me.

    Kim asked me if she could borrow my pen.

    11. ‘Children, be quiet!’ Miss Black told the children.

    Miss Black ordered the children to be quiet.

    T: Your time is up. Please give me the cards.


    T: Let us discuss in groups advantages and disadvantages of living abroad.

    The 1st group will discuss advantages and the second group will discuss disadvantages. I’ll give you 2 minutes.


    P1. Living standards abroad are extremely hard.

    P2. Such words as independence and freedom are not only words. In European countries laws work. People observe their laws.

    P3.Government reflects their ideas and desires of people are not vise versa.

    P4.People are tolerant most of them are cosmopolitan.

    P5. Its common thing that they respect other people culture, views, religion.


    P1. One can suffer from a feeling of deep nostalgia.

    P2. You may be unable to accommodate yourself to foreign culture.

    P3. Foreigners are known to be rather individualistic and they are not eager to give you a hand.


    T: Read this report of questions asked by a foreign student who is coming to study in your country, change the sentences into direct speech. ( на экране)

    First she asked me if the climate was hot or cold and if it rained a lot. Then she wanted to know if she could take her cat with her and what means of transport was best for coming there. She was interested to know how much money she needed per month and if she would be allowed to work legally. She asked if we had had many exchange students before and where they had lived. Finally she wondered if the food was different from Spanish food.

    P1: She asked me:” Is the climate hot or cold?”

    P2 She wanted to know:”Can I take my coat with me and what is the best means of transport for coming here?”

    P3 She was interested:” how much money do I need per month and will I be allowed to work legally?”

    P4 She asked:” Did you have exchange students and where did they live?”

    P5 She wondered:’ Is your food different from Spanish food?”


    T: Thank you for your work, it was pleasant to work with you today. I’ll give your marks for your written work tomorrow, and now marks for speaking….

    The lesson is over, you may go.

    Файлы: Урок 27.doc
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    Рубрики: Иностранные языки Метки:,
    ( план – конспект урока 1 класс 5 класс. 6 класс 7 класс 8 класс 9 класс 10 класс Английский язык Литературное чтение Математика Музыка ОБЖ Окружающий мир Оренбургская область Физика ЦОР алгебра биология викторина внеклассное мероприятие география геометрия здоровье игра информатика история классный час конкурс конспект урока краеведение кроссворд литература начальная школа обществознание презентация программа проект рабочая программа русский язык тест технология урок химия экология