Автор конспекта:
Автор(ы): — Калягина Татьяна Валерьевна

Место работы, должность: —

МОУ "СОШ № 23 г. Йошкар-Ола" Республики Марий Эл

Регион: — Республика Марий Эл

Характеристика конспекта:
Уровни образования: — среднее (полное) общее формирование

Класс(ы): — 10 сословие
Класс(ы): — 11 сословие

Предмет(ы): — Английский пракрит

Целевая аудитория: — Учитель (преподаватель)

Тип ресурса: — контролька (проверочная) изоработа

Краткое статут ресурса: —

Проверочная изоработа следом завершения изучения темы Инфинитив/ Герундий

Test (Infinitive/Gerund)

1. Put “to” before the infinitive where it is necessary.

1. I think you ought … apologize.

2. Make him … speak louder.

3. Help me … carry this bag.

4. My son asked me … let him … go to the theatre.

5. I must … go to the country.

6. It cannot … be done today.

7. She asked me … read the letter carefully and … write an answer.

8. The man told me not … walk on the grass.

9. Let me … help you with your work.

10. She ought … take care of her health.

11. We had better … stop to rest a little.

12. I don’t know what … do.

13. He was seen … leave the house.

14. We have come … ask whether there is anything we can … do.

15. We heard the siren … sound and saw the ship … move.

2. Make infinitives (add “to”) or gerunds (add “-ing”) of the verbs in brackets to make the following sentences grammatically correct.

1. When I’m tired, I enjoy … television. It’s relaxing. (watch)

2. It was a nice day, so we decided … for a walk. (go)

3. It’s a nice day. Does anyone fancy … for a walk? (go)

4. I’m not in a hurry. I don’t mind … (wait)

5. They don’t have much money. They can’t afford … out very often. (go)

6. I wish that dog would stop … It’s driving me mad. (bark)

7. Our neighbour threatened … the police if we didn’t stop the noise. (call)

8. We were hungry, so I suggested … dinner early. (have)

9. Hurry up! I don’t want to risk … the train. (miss)

10. I’m still looking for a job but I hope … something soon. (find)

3. Complete the following sentences with infinitives (add “to”) or gerunds (add “-ing”) of the verbs below to make them grammatically correct.

answer, apply, be, be, listen, make, see, try, use, wash, work, write

1. He tried to avoid … my question.

2. Could you please stop … so much noise?

3. I enjoy … to music.

4. I considered … for the job but in the end I decided against it.

5. Have you finished … your hair yet?

6. If you walk into the road without looking, you risk … knocked down.

7. Jim is 65 but he isn’t going to retire yet. He wants to carry on ….

8. I don’t mind you … the phone as long as you pay for all your calls.

9. Hello! Fancy … you here! What a surprise!

10. I’ve put off … the letter so many times. I really must do it today.

11. What a stupid thing to do! Can you imagine anybody … so stupid?

12. Sarah gave up … to find a job in this country and decided to go abroad.

4. Make infinitives (with or without “to”) or gerunds (add “-ing”) of the verbs in brackets to make the following sentences grammatically correct.

1. She doesn’t allow … in the house. (smoke)

2. I’ve never been to Iceland but I’d like … there. (go)

3. I’m in a difficult position. What do you advise me …? (do)

4. She said the letter was personal and wouldn’t let me …it. (read)

5. We were kept at the police station for two hours and then we were allowed … (go)

6. Where would you recommend me … for my holidays? (go)

7. I wouldn’t recommend … in that restaurant. The food is awful. (eat)

8. The film was very sad. It made me … (cry)

9. Carol’s parents always encouraged her … hard at school. (study)

Правильные ответы:

1. Поставьте частицу “to” там, где-нибудь это необходимо.

1. to | 2. ~ | 3. ~ | 4. to, ~ | 5. ~ | 6. ~ | 7. to, to | 8. to | 9. ~ |10. to | 11. ~ | 12. to | 13. to | 14. to,~ | 15. ~,~

2. Образуйте формы инфинитива (подставьте “to”) разве герундия (прибавьте “-ing”) глаголов на скобках, дабы следующие предложения стали грамматически правильными.

1. watching | 2. to go | 3. going | 4. waiting | 5. to go | 6. barking | 7. to call | 8. having | 9. missing | 10. to find

3. Дополните следующие предложения формами инфинитива (подставьте “to”) разве герундия (прибавьте “-ing”) глаголов, данных ниже, дабы они стали грамматически правильными.

answer apply be be listen make see try use wash work write

1. answering | 2. making | 3. listening | 4. applying | 5. washing | 6. being | 7. working | 8. using | 9. seeing | 10. writing | 11. being | 12. trying |

4. Образуйте формы инфинитива (с частицей “to” разве без нее) разве герундия (прибавьте “-ing”) глаголов на скобках, дабы следующие предложения стали грамматически правильными.

1. smoking | 2. to go | 3. to do | 4. read | 5. to go | 6. to go | 7. eating | 8. cry | 9. to study |

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( план – конспект урока 1 класс 5 класс. 6 класс 7 класс 8 класс 9 класс 10 класс Английский язык Литературное чтение Математика Музыка ОБЖ Окружающий мир Оренбургская область Физика ЦОР алгебра биология викторина внеклассное мероприятие география геометрия здоровье игра информатика история классный час конкурс конспект урока краеведение кроссворд литература начальная школа обществознание презентация программа проект рабочая программа русский язык тест технология урок химия экология