Автор конспекта:
Регион: — Московская область

Характеристики урока (занятия) Целевая аудитория: — Учащийся (студент)

Класс(ы): — 7 класс

Предмет(ы): — Английский язык

Тип урока: — Комбинированный урок

Краткое описание: — На уроке обсуждаются правила здорового образа жизни на основе известных английских и русских поговорок,учащиеся высказывают свое мнение, что нужно делать, чтобы быть здоровым;затем учащимся предлагается текст для прослушивания с последующим контролем понимания,учащиеся отвечают на вопросы. в заключении учащиеся выполняют на знание лексики по теме "Здоровье"

Урок – дискуссия в 7 классе по УМК «Английский с удовольствием» Биболетовой М.З.

«A healthy way of life»

Цели урока:

¾ Образовательная – совершенствовать умения говорения с использованием лексики по теме «Ahealthywayoflife» и участия в дискуссии.

¾ Воспитательная – воспитывать правильное понимание здорового образа жизни и стремление следовать его правилам.

¾ Развивающая – развивать память, внимание, умение слушать собеседника и аргументировано высказывать свою точку зрения.


¾ активизировать изученный лексический и грамматический материал по теме «A healthy way of life».

¾ практиковать учащихся в аудировании по теме «A healthy way of life».

¾ подготовить учащихся к написанию сочинения «A healthy way of life».


¾ Коммуникативный подход.

¾ Личностно-ориентированный подход.

¾ Проблемное обучение.

¾ Здоровьесберегающие технологии – физкультминутка (комплекс упражнений для снятия общей усталости).

¾ Интеграция с предметами биологии, физкультуры.

Оснащение урока:

¾ Иллюстрации cрекламой здорового образа жизни и антирекламой вредных привычек, аудиозапись cтекстом “The doctor’sadvice”, оформленная доска.

On the blackboard:

Active vocabulary :


Bad habits








Dairy products

Right routine





Nervous system


¾ Health is above wealth.

¾ A sound mind in a sound body.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

¾ Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.


1. Is there anything more important in our life than health? Why?

2. What to do to be healthy? How to live?

3. What rules of a healthy way of life do you know?


I. Starting point.

Good morning, girls and boys! Glad to see you!

We have some guests today. Greet them, please!

Sit down. Make yourselves comfortable. How are you? How is your family?

What date is it today? Who is absent? What is the weather like today?

Let’s start our lesson.

Today we are having a lesson-discussion and going to speak about a very important and actual problem, the problem of a healthy way of life.

Be enthusiastic, energetic and take an active part in our discussion. Good luck to you!

II. Phonetic exercises.

Let’s revise some words on the topic. Read the words on the blackboard in the alphabetical order. Pay attention to your pronunciation.

Pupils read the words (bad habits, breathing, cough, dairy products, energetic, harmful, health, heart, jogging, nervous system, nutritious, overtired, right routine, strong, training)

III. Discussion.

T.: Is there anything more important than health? Why do we touch upon this question?

P.: There is nothing more important than health. The proverb says “Health is above wealth”. It means that it is impossible to buy health. If you aren’t healthy, you can’t enjoy your life. You can’t be good either at a work or at study.

T.: It is said that our health doesn’t depend on doctors very much, mostly it depends on us ourselves. What should we do to save our health?

P.: We should keep (live) a healthy way of life. There are some golden rules which are so easy that any child knows them: sport, healthy food, lack of bad habits. These are the main laws of a healthy way of life.

T.: On the blackboard you can see some proverbs. Let’s read and them and explain what they mean. What do they teach us?

Pupils read and translate the proverb:

A sound mind in a sound body.

P1: This proverb teaches us to go in for sport or just do morning exercises. Sport makes strong, well-built and energetic. For example, tennis and cycling are good for legs and arms. Swimming is good for the back, lungs, arms and legs.

P2: Jogging is good for breathing and for the heart. Besides, just morning exercises are also very useful. They give you energy for the whole day and train your muscles.

T.: Let’s read the next proverb.

Pupils read, translate and comment on the proverb:

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

P3: This proverb teaches us to eat the right food. It means you should eat fruits and vegetables because they have a lot of vitamins. You should also eat dairy products as there is a lot of calcium in them. Calcium is useful for our bones, hair and teeth.

P4: You should eat fish, meat, porridge, too. These products are very nutritious. However, eating a lot of sweets is harmful for our teeth. You shouldn’t eat many sandwiches, either.

T. offers the class to comment on the proverb “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”

P5: This proverb teaches us to keep the right routine: go to bed and get up early, spend time outdoors, get enough sleep (children should sleep 8-10 hours a day). Remember: beauty sleep is from 10 pm till 12 pm. Have a rest in time. Don’t overtire yourself!

T.: As the Russian proverb goes: “Cleanness is the secret of health”. It means that cleanness is necessary, too.

P6: Our skin breathes like our lungs, so always keep your body clean: take a shower as often as possible, wash your face and hands and clean your teeth in the morning and in the evening. Besides, it’s very nice to look at and communicate with a tidy person.

T.: Nowadays some young people smoke, drink alcohol or even take drugs. They try to be very modern and look cool! They don’t think their bad habits can ruin their health. What is your opinion about bad habits?

P7: People should refuse bad habits. They are very harmful to their health. For example, smoking influences respiratory organs badly: it makes people cough and it is also bad the heart. Besides, smoking spoils your look- it makes your teeth yellow and your complexion becomes pale.

P8: Alcohol ruins your intellect, personality and nervous system. Taking drugs is very dangerous. It leads to death.

P9: Nicotine, alcohol, drugs causes dependence that is why it is difficult to get rid of these bad habits.

P10: I would like to add about computer addiction. Many children are fond of playing computer games. They spend (sit) at the computer for hours. They become real computer addicts. They get tired, irritated, their eyes are sore and red. As a result, their nervous system becomes worn out.

T.: And finally, last but not least: Some doctors say that happiness is the secret of good health.

P11: Don’t be angry and stay tolerant to people with different traditions and beliefs. Be in a good spirit. Smile: smile costs nothing but works wonders. Say compliments to your parents and friends and you’ll be much healthier and your life will be nice.

T.: Now our discussion has come to the end. Let’s make a conclusion. Continue my words:

If you want to be healthy,…

P12: eat the right food, go in for sport or do morning exercises, take a shower every day, keep the right routine, refuse bad habits and be happy!

P13: If you follow these rules you’ll be as fit as a fiddle.

T.: I’d like to tell you our discussion was very interesting and instructive. Your arguments were very reasonable and convincing. Now let’s have a relaxation minute.

Pupils do some physical exercises.

Here is a complex of physical exercises for taking off tiredness.

1. Initial position: sitting on the chair. Bend your arms and put your palms on the back of your head, moves elbows back, bend over, stretch yourself and breathe in. Return back to the initial position, breathe out. Repeat the exercise 4 times

2. Initial position is the same. Stand up and sit down 4 times.

3. Initial position: standing. Aline legs with the shoulders. Bend over, trying to reach your toes. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

4. Jump in place 4 times.

5. Walk in place quietly, gradually slow the pace.

IV. Listening –comprehension.

On the blackboard:

“The doctor’s advice”

¾ medicine wouldn’t help him;

¾ you’ll recover pretty soon;

¾ almost killedme;

¾ it’s not a joke.

Pupils read and the teacher helps them translate the expressions written on the blackboard.

T.: Listen to the story “The doctor’s advice” and answer the following questions (written on the blackboard):

1. How did the doctor examine the patient?

2. What was the doctor’s advice?

The doctor's advice.

Once an old gentleman went to see the doctor. The doctor examined him, listened to his lungs, felt his pulse and blood pressure and said that medicine wouldn't help the old gentleman. The doctor asked him to go to a quiet country place for a month and have a rest.” Your illness is not serious, so don't worry!” continued the doctor. « Go to bed early, walk a lot, smoke just one cigar a day and you will recover pretty soon. »

The old gentleman nodded and said: «Thank you very much, doctor. I shall do everything you say.»

A month later the same gentleman came to see the doctor again. «How do you do?» said the doctor. « I am very glad to see you. You look much younger. How do you feel?»

«Oh, doctor, » said gentleman, I feel quite all right. I had a good rest. Your advice certainly helped me. I went to bed early, drank a lot of milk, walked a lot. But you told me to smoke one cigar a day. It almost killed me at first. It is not a joke to start smoking at my age.”

T.: Listen to the story “The doctor’s advice» again and answer the following questions:

1. Did the gentleman follow the doctor’s advice?

2. But what was wrong with his advice?

3.Why did one cigarette a day almost kill him?

V. Fill in blanks with the suitable words:

  • Once an old gentleman …to see a doctor.
  • The doctor listened to his …, felt his … and … ….
  • The doctor said, “Your … is not serious , do not …!»
  • The doctor recommended his patient to go to a … … and have a ….
  • He also advised the old gentleman to smoke only … cigarette a day.
  • … … later the old gentleman came to see the doctor again
  • “ How do you …?», asked the doctor.
  • Oh, doctor your … certainly helped me. I … a lot of milk, … to bed early.
  • Smoking one cigar a day almost … me at first.
  • It is not a … to start smoking at my ….
  • VI. Conclusion.

    The teacher rounds up the class, evaluates the pupils’ answers and gives the homework assignment. The pupils are given the task to write the composition «A healthy way of life».

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    ( план – конспект урока 1 класс 5 класс. 6 класс 7 класс 8 класс 9 класс 10 класс Английский язык Литературное чтение Математика Музыка ОБЖ Окружающий мир Оренбургская область Физика ЦОР алгебра биология викторина внеклассное мероприятие география геометрия здоровье игра информатика история классный час конкурс конспект урока краеведение кроссворд литература начальная школа обществознание презентация программа проект рабочая программа русский язык тест технология урок химия экология