Автор конспекта:
Автор(ы): — Келесова Лаура Рахманбердиевна

Место работы, должность: — Казахстан, г.Тараз, средняя школа № 13, учитель английского языка

Регион: — Зарубежье — Казахстан

Характеристики урока (занятия) Уровень образования: — основное общее образование

Целевая аудитория: — Учащийся (студент)
Целевая аудитория: — Учитель (преподаватель)

Класс(ы): — 8 класс

Предмет(ы): — Английский язык

Цель урока: —


  • To develop students’ skills and habits in reading, speaking, hearing.
  • To enrich students’ knowledge about the country the language of which they study.
  • To sustain interest and motivation by encouraging pupils to be creative so that they make discoveries in the language they are learning.
  • To teach students how to communicate in English.
  • Тип урока: — Комбинированный урок

    Краткое описание: — To develop students’ skills and habits in reading, speaking, hearing.

    The theme: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


  • To develop students’ skills and habits in reading, speaking, hearing.
  • To enrich students’ knowledge about the country the language of which they study.
  • To sustain interest and motivation by encouraging pupils to be creative so that they make discoveries in the language they are learning.
  • To teach students how to communicate in English.
  • Type of the lesson:Getting new information .

    Kind of the lesson:Mixed lesson (Trip and a round table).

    Equipment:Interactive board, personal computer , maps of the British Isles, symbols of each country of the UK, markers, posters.

    Expected results: Students improve speaking skills by working in pairs and in small groups, sharing their opinions. They enlarge their lexics in geography. They are able to speak about the country the language of which they study.

    The Plan of the lesson:

    I.Organization moment

    1. Greeting.

    2. Introduction of the aim and objectives of the lesson

    II. Warm up

    A poem about different countries.

    III. Pre-Task

  • Making cluster.
  • Introducing the guest (Students’ questions to the guest )
  • IV. Presentation.

  • Reading of the text.
  • Scanning reading (silent reading for getting the main idea of the text, finding a key word for each paragraph)
  • Reading aloud
  • Group work: Preparing questions for another two groups.
  • Questions of our guest , beginning with “Why?”
  • True or false.
  • Relaxing : singing a song. V. Follow Up.
  • Commentating the slides of the presentation.
  • Creative work . Group work: drawing the map of the British Isles and sticking the symbols and flags of each countries.
  • Finishing the cluster.
  • VI. Wrap up

  • Homework : to make up a project about the UK using a cluster.
  • Conclusion, marks.
  • Planning of the lesson.

  • Organization moment.
  • T: Hello, boy and girls. Glad to see you. Sit down, please. Today we have a very interesting lesson. There are a lot of guests and I hope you’ll be active and attentive at the lesson.

  • Warm up.
  • T: But, to begin with let’s look at the blackboard! Here is the poem. Mind the main idea of it! Read, please!

    So many countries all over the world,

    So many people life- tales told!

    Different cities, languages, poems,

    Amazing traditions, legends, stories,

    We travel East, we travel West

    To know so much is best,

    If South is warm, North is cold,

    We start our trip and off we go!

    T: What is the key – word in the poem?

    T: Right you are! So, we are going to have an imaginary trip. But where? Guess yourself. I want you to answer one question: What is the name of the country the language of which we study? (England, Great Britain, the United Kingdom).

    T: Right you are: So, the theme of our lesson today is: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This is the official name.

  • Pre task.
  • 1. Cluster.

    T: First of all, let’s make a cluster.

    T: so, let’s think. What we know about the UK. (UK is in Europe, English is an official language of UK, the capital of the UK is London, it’s an island)

    T: Is it all? Well! Now let’s write : What do you want to know?

    (Students questions.)

    T: Well good. And the last cluster we’ll write at the end of our lesson.

    2.Introducing the guest.

    So, let’s start. Oh, by the way: we have one interesting guest at our lesson. This is Kamilla. She came from the UK. You see we know about UK only from books, films and our guest lives there. You have a good opportunity to talk to her. If you want then you may ask her some questions:

    (Students questions.)

  • Presentation.
  • Reading the text.
  • Scanning reading – silent – key words.
  • Well, I’ll give you fliers you’ll read the text. The task is to find key words in every paragraph.

  • Reading.
  • Your task is to read aloud one by one.

    2.Group work.

    T: now, we have 3 groups. Your task is to put 2 questions to another 2 groups, concerning only your own paragraph. And our guest will prepare her own questions beginning with “Why”.

    3.Questions beginning with “Why?”

    Kamilla: When the lesson began the teacher asked you about the name of the country. And you answered differently: England, Great Britain, The UK. Why

    Are there so many different names? Are there any difference between them?

    Who wants to answer?

    (Students’ answers)

    Kamilla: I want to tell you about it. England – is only one part of the UK. It is situated in the south of the UK. Great Britain is the geographical name of the country. And when smb asks: How many countries does great Britain consist of, we answer Three: England, Scotland and Wales.

    And the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – is the official name of the country. You know but sometimes in everyday use the word “Britain” is quite possible.

    The next question is : Why do you think the population lives mostly in towns and cities, but not in the countryside?

    (students’ answers).

    The third is: Why is the climate in Great Britain so mild and wet? And do you know what is the UK washed by? And what about the Irish Sea?

    (Students’ answers)

  • True or False.
  • T: Now prepare 2 sentences. Make them true or false.

  • The symbol of Scotland is a daffodil. (ex.-)
  • T: You can use the exercise from the book at p. 119, ex. VI

  • Relaxation.
  • A song : “Jingle Bells”

    V. Follow up.

    The work on interactive board.

  • Commenting the presentation:
  • T: I have the presentation on the interactive board. Your task is to comment the slides.

  • Creative work. A group work.
  • T: Now, I’ll give you markers felt- tips, glue- sticks and a few pictures of symbols and flags. Your task is to prepare the map of the UK very quickly. I’ll give you only 2 minutes. Don’t forget to stick pictures, where they need! Well start!

    T: So, ready? Let’s look which is the best?

  • Finishing the cluster.
  • T: now, we have the last task: to finish our cluster, do you remember? So, our lesson is going to be over. Tell me, please

    • What new facts have you found out?
    • What new information have you learnt?

    Let’s return to our cluster and add new information to it.


    T: So, unfortunately our lesson is over. The aim of our lesson was to learn more about the UK. I think that we have reached the aims of the lesson. I hope now you can talk about the UK, can’t you?

    VI.Wrap up.

    T: and now your home task is to make up a project about the UK. Clear?

    Did you like our lesson? Well you’ve done a great job! All of you were active today!

    Good bye! Thank you everybody!

    Файлы: britain.doc
    Размер файла: 55296 байт.

    ( план – конспект урока 1 класс 5 класс. 6 класс 7 класс 8 класс 9 класс 10 класс Английский язык Литературное чтение Математика Музыка ОБЖ Окружающий мир Оренбургская область Физика ЦОР алгебра биология викторина внеклассное мероприятие география геометрия здоровье игра информатика история классный час конкурс конспект урока краеведение кроссворд литература начальная школа обществознание презентация программа проект рабочая программа русский язык тест технология урок химия экология