Автор конспекта:
Автор(ы): — Селютина Екатерина Николаевна

Место работы, должность: — МОУ «СОШ №14″имени А.М.Мамонова

Регион: — Белгородская район

Характеристики урока (занятия) Уровень образования: — начальное общее оврагообразование

Целевая аудитория: — Учитель (преподаватель)

Класс(ы): — 3 класс

Предмет(ы): — Английский язык

Цель урока: — 1. Формировать у учащихся навыки монологической речи, диалогической речи, развивать инициативу, языковую догадку, логическое мышление, расширить интерес по теме «Животные». 2. Воспитывать слабость к животным, уважительное оценка приятель к другу

Используемое оборудование: —

1. Магнитофон и кассета.
2. Детские рисунки.
3 Картинки с животными.
4. Мягкие игрушки.

Краткое описание: — 1. Формировать у учащихся навыки монологической речи, диалогической речи, развивать инициативу, языковую догадку, логическое мышление, расширить интерес по теме «Животные». 2. Воспитывать слабость к животным, уважительное оценка приятель к другу. Оснащение: 1. Магнитофон и кассета. 2. Детские рисунки. 3 Картинки с животными. 4. Мягкие игрушки. I. Организационный момент. Введение на иноязычную атмосферу. T1. Dear guests, girls and boys! We are glad to see you. We invite you to our party “Animal Planet”. I hope you will enjoy our English party. II. Основной этап, вписывающий различные виды деятельности. 1. Children, what animals do you know? … T2. Oh, you know a lot of animals. Perhaps you know poems about them. Дети выходят к доске и рассказывают стихи (фото 2) I love my cat It’s warm and fat, My cat is grey, It likes to play. I like dogs, all dogs, Big dogs and small dogs. Black dogs and white dogs. But I like best, As you can see, The dog who likes To play with me. We go to the Zoo Tomorrow on Sunday We go to the Zoo Tomorrow , tomorrow There is a zebu there, And a zebra too, A bear and a monkey, And a kangaroo. A hare is kind A tiger is wild A mouse is small A giraffe is tall. I love all kind of animals, Dogs and cats and rabbits, I love all kind of animals, I know their little habits. Little mouse Come to my house Sit on the chair Eat a pear. 2. Участие на сценках. T1. Now, I think you can dramatize some poems about animals. 1.’’The Cat аnd the Mouse’’.(фото 3) Cat: Little Mouse, little Mouse, Where is your house? Mouse: Little Cat, little Cat, I have no flat. I am a poor Mouse, I have no house. Cat: Little Mouse, little Mouse, Come into my house. Mouse: Little Cat, little Cat, I cannot do that, You want to eat me. 2. “Three Little Kittens” (фото 4, 5) Author: The three little kittens lost their mittens. And they began to cry. The 1st kitten: Oh, mother, dear. The 2nd kitten: We are much fear. The 3rd kitten: That we have lost our mittens. Mother: Lost your mittens? You are naughty kittens. Then you will have no pie. Author: The three kittens found their mittens. And they began to cry. The 1st kitten: See here! The 2nd kitten: See here! The 3rd kitten: See! We have found our mittens! Mother: Found your mittens? You are good kittens. Put on your mittens. And you will have some pie. 3. Чтение скороговорок.(фото1) T2. Let’s compete a little. Read the patters and try to pronounce them correctly. a. Pat’s black cat is in Pat’s black hat. b. Cob is Dob’s dog, Tob is Mob’s dog. c. I see a big black cat, big black cat, big black cat. What a big black cat! What a cat! What a cat! 4. Описание своих рисунков(фото 6,7) T1. That’s great. You know so many wild animals. I see a lot of pictures here. Whose pictures are these? 5. Отгадай загадку. T2. And now, listen to me and guess my riddles. a. My name is Nile. I always fine. I like to smile. My name is … (a crocodile). b. I’m so happy. I can fly in the blue-blue sky. ( a butterfly) c. I can lie on the mat. I can catch a rat. I’m black, I’m fat. My name is … (a cat). d. I’m very funny. I like honey. My name is Claire. I’m … (a bear). 6. Физкультминутка (фото 9) T1. Let’s play the game “Wild Animals”. I’ll throw a ball to each of you in turn. When you catch this ball, you must name a wild animal. Do it as quickly as you can. 7. T1. So, let’s play “It’s interesting to know”. I need a interpreter. Who wants to be a interpreter? Come up, please. Listen to me and translate the statements. a. White tigers live in India and they have blue eyes. b. The Nile crocodile can smile. c. It’s interesting that mice can sing. d. The tallest animal is a giraffe. It’s about seven meters high. e. The best eaters are elephants. They eat 100 kilos of food a day and drink 189 liters a day. f. The best sleeper is a hedgehog. It can sleep 236 days without food. 8. Игра «Угадай животное». (фото 10) T2. Are you tired? Let’s have fun. Look at the pictures. Look at it more attentive. You have to choose right animal. But it is not easy because you cannot see. You have a scarf over your eyes. Who choose the right animal is the winner. 9. Игра «Узнай слово». T1. Look at the blackboard. You should guess what these animals are. Somue- (mouse) Tac- (cat) God- (dog) Tirge- (tiger) Woc- (cow) Peehs- (sheep) 10. Все участники вечера поют песенку. «I Found a Cow» I found a cow! How? I found a bear! Where? I found a hen! When? I found a bear. I found a hen. I found a cow. Wow! T2. We see you know a lot of animals. Children, can you sing any songs about animals? The song «I Found a Cow» I found a cow! How? I found a bear! Where? I found a hen! When? I found a bear. I found a hen. I found a cow. Wow! III. Рефлексия. T1. If you like our party you’ll take red circles. But if you don’t like the party you’ll take violet circles. We are glad to see that you like the party. Thanks for the song, your poems, pictures. See you later. Good-bye.(фото11)

1. Формировать у учащихся навыки монологической речи, диалогической речи, развивать инициативу, языковую догадку, логическое мышление, расширить интерес по теме «Животные».

2. Воспитывать слабость к животным, уважительное оценка приятель к другу.


1. Магнитофон и кассета.

2. Детские рисунки.

3 Картинки с животными.

4. Мягкие игрушки.

I. Организационный момент. Введение на иноязычную атмосферу.

T1. Dear guests, girls and boys! We are glad to see you. We invite you to our party “Animal Planet”.

I hope you will enjoy our English party.

II. Основной этап, вписывающий различные виды деятельности.

1. Children, what animals do you know? …

T2. Oh, you know a lot of animals. Perhaps you know poems about them. Дети выходят к доске и рассказывают стихи (фото 2)

I love my cat

It’s warm and fat,

My cat is grey,

It likes to play.

I like dogs, all dogs,

Big dogs and small dogs.

Black dogs and white dogs.

But I like best,

As you can see,

The dog who likes

To play with me.

We go to the Zoo

Tomorrow on Sunday

We go to the Zoo

Tomorrow , tomorrow

There is a zebu there,

And a zebra too,

A bear and a monkey,

And a kangaroo.

A hare is kind

A tiger is wild

A mouse is small

A giraffe is tall.

I love all kind of animals,

Dogs and cats and rabbits,

I love all kind of animals,

I know their little habits.

Little mouse

Come to my house

Sit on the chair

Eat a pear.

2. Участие в сценках.

T1. Now, I think you can dramatize some poems about animals.

1.’’The Cat аnd the Mouse’’.(фото 3)

Cat: Little Mouse, little Mouse,

Where is your house?

Mouse: Little Cat, little Cat,

I have no flat.

I am a poor Mouse,

I have no house.

Cat: Little Mouse, little Mouse,

Come into my house.

Mouse: Little Cat, little Cat,

I cannot do that,

You want to eat me.

2. “Three Little Kittens” (фото 4, 5)

Author: The three little kittens lost their mittens. And they began to cry.

The 1st kitten: Oh, mother, dear.

The 2nd kitten: We are much fear.

The 3rd kitten: That we have lost our mittens.

Mother: Lost your mittens? You are naughty kittens. Then you will have no pie.

Author: The three kittens found their mittens. And they began to cry.

The 1st kitten: See here!

The 2nd kitten: See here!

The 3rd kitten: See! We have found our mittens!

Mother: Found your mittens? You are good kittens. Put on your mittens. And you will have some pie.

3. Чтение скороговорок.(фото1)

T2. Let’s compete a little. Read the patters and try to pronounce them correctly.

a. Pat’s black cat is in Pat’s black hat.

b. Cob is Dob’s dog, Tob is Mob’s dog.

c. I see a big black cat, big black cat, big black cat.

What a big black cat! What a cat! What a cat!

4. Описание своих рисунков(фото 6,7)

T1. That’s great. You know so many wild animals. I see a lot of pictures here. Whose pictures are these?

5. Отгадай загадку.

T2. And now, listen to me and guess my riddles.

a. My name is Nile.

I always fine.

I like to smile.

My name is … (a crocodile).

b. I’m so happy.

I can fly in the blue-blue sky. ( a butterfly)

c. I can lie on the mat.

I can catch a rat.

I’m black, I’m fat.

My name is … (a cat).

d. I’m very funny.

I like honey.

My name is Claire.

I’m … (a bear).

6. Физкультминутка (фото 9)

T1. Let’s play the game “Wild Animals”. I’ll throw a ball to each of you in turn. When you catch this ball, you must name a wild animal. Do it as quickly as you can.

7. T1. So, let’s play “It’s interesting to know”. I need a interpreter. Who wants to be a interpreter? Come up, please.

Listen to me and translate the statements.

a. White tigers live in India and they have blue eyes.

b. The Nile crocodile can smile.

c. It’s interesting that mice can sing.

d. The tallest animal is a giraffe. It’s about seven meters high.

e. The best eaters are elephants. They eat 100 kilos of food a day and drink 189 liters a day.

f. The best sleeper is a hedgehog. It can sleep 236 days without food.

8. Игра «Угадай животное». (фото 10)

T2. Are you tired? Let’s have fun. Look at the pictures.

Look at it more attentive. You have to choose right animal. But it is not easy because you cannot see. You have a scarf over your eyes. Who choose the right animal is the winner.

9. Игра «Узнай слово».

T1. Look at the blackboard. You should guess what these animals are.

Somue- (mouse)

Tac- (cat)

God- (dog)

Tirge- (tiger)

Woc- (cow)

Peehs- (sheep)

10. Все участники вечера поют песенку.

«I Found a Cow»

I found a cow!


I found a bear!


I found a hen!


I found a bear.

I found a hen.

I found a cow.


T2. We see you know a lot of animals. Children, can you sing any songs about animals?

The song «I Found a Cow»

I found a cow!


I found a bear!


I found a hen!


I found a bear.

I found a hen.

I found a cow.


III. Рефлексия.

T1. If you like our party you’ll take red circles. But if you don’t like the party you’ll take violet circles. We are glad to see that you like the party.

Thanks for the song, your poems, pictures. See you later. Good-bye.(фото11)

( план – конспект урока 1 класс 5 класс. 6 класс 7 класс 8 класс 9 класс 10 класс Английский язык Литературное чтение Математика Музыка ОБЖ Окружающий мир Оренбургская область Физика ЦОР алгебра биология викторина внеклассное мероприятие география геометрия здоровье игра информатика история классный час конкурс конспект урока краеведение кроссворд литература начальная школа обществознание презентация программа проект рабочая программа русский язык тест технология урок химия экология