Автор конспекта:
Автор(ы): — Вожакова Наталья Ларионовна

Место работы, должность: — Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное основание «Средняя общеобразовательная фшм № 48″ г. Перми

Регион: — Пермский земля

Характеристики урока (занятия) Уровень образования: — основное общее основание

Целевая аудитория: — Учитель (преподаватель)

Класс(ы): — 6 категория

Предмет(ы): — Английский телугу

Цель урока: —

знакомство с новой лексикой по теме "Свободное время. Хобби" и первичная тренировка

Тип урока: — Урок изучения и первичного закрепления новых знаний

Учащихся на классе (аудитории): — 13

Используемые учебники и учебные пособия: —

New Millennium English Учебник про 6 класса/ Н.Н. Деревянко и др. — Обнинск: Титул, 2008.

Используемая методическая литература: —

New Millennium English Книга про учителя к учебнику 6 класса/ Н.Н. Деревянко и др. — Обнинск: Титул, 2008.

Используемое оборудование: —


Краткое описание: — На уроке детишки вспоминают ранее изученную лексику по теме "Хобби" и знакомятся с новой. Тренировка лексики осуществляется с помощью ролевый игры.

Things I like

Good afternoon, boys and girls.

How are you today?

What’s the weather like today?

What do you usually do at the weekend?

What would you like to do this weekend?

You have a sheet of paper. Please, write down 3 pastimes if you have difficulties you can open p. 24, ex. 1a will help you. Don’t talk about your choice.

Now, work in small groups (3-4 pupils) and try to guess your partner’s hobby.

You can use example, see ex. 1b p. 24

During the discussion I walk around the class, check and provide help if necessary. Also I make notes if pupils make mistakes for delayed-correction.

What is most popular interest in your groups?

I show 6 pictures p.24 Here you can see children doing different things.

Which hobby do you know?

Which one have you tried doing?

I draw their attention to the LOOK BOX. Children guess the meaning of the words (actually they know them)

Read 6 texts and mach them with the pictures. You have 4 min.

Check with the class.

(Then I work with each text separately.)

Do you like listening to music? (Pp answer and I write down on the board I like listening)

How often do you watch music programmes? (Pp answer)

Can you dive? (Pp answer)

Have you ever seen the underwater world? (Pp answer)

Are you good at surfing? (Pp answer and I write down on the board I am good at doing …)

Which of the interests are the most interesting/unusual? (Pp answer)

Which would you like to do? (Pp answer and I write down on the board I would like to do …)

Perhaps you hate some activities. (Pp answer and I write down on the board I hate doing …)

So, Pp can see the structures on the board

I like doing

I am good at doing

I hate doing

I would like to do

When do we use the verb with the ING ending? (Pp answer)

After which word do we use infinitive with TO? (Pp answer)

Then I make a conclusion.

Find in the text how children speak about the things the like doing/they are good at/they would like to do.

We elicit the patterns.

Work in pairs and make true sentences about yourself. I draw Pp’s attention to the structures. You have 2-3 min. During the discussion I walk around the class, check and provide help if necessary. Also I make notes if pupils make mistakes for delayed-correction.

You are going to listen to an interview with a famous person. Find out what interests he used to have when he was a teenager.

Look at the pictures. What interests are here?

Now listen and tick the activities the speaker used to like.

Check with the class.

Role play. I give the cards with roles. Student A is an interviewer. The card contains some questions.

1 What/you/like doing?

2 Have/ a pet?

3 What/you/collect?

4 You/like/sport?

Student B

You are a very famous person. You should answer your interviewer’s questions about your interests and hobbies.

I walk around the class, check and provide help if necessary. Also I make notes if pupils make mistakes for delayed-correction.

Thank you for your work. Your time is over. At home you should do ex. 6a, 6b, p. 25.


Ex. 6a is an ad, not a letter. You should choose a person with interests similar to yours and write your own ad to this magazine.

The lesson is over. Have a nice day. Goodbye.

( план – конспект урока 1 класс 5 класс. 6 класс 7 класс 8 класс 9 класс 10 класс Английский язык Литературное чтение Математика Музыка ОБЖ Окружающий мир Оренбургская область Физика ЦОР алгебра биология викторина внеклассное мероприятие география геометрия здоровье игра информатика история классный час конкурс конспект урока краеведение кроссворд литература начальная школа обществознание презентация программа проект рабочая программа русский язык тест технология урок химия экология