Автор конспекта:
Автор(ы): — Индюкова Татьяна Васильевна
Место работы, должность: —
Гимназия 7, учитель
Регион: — Красноярский край
Характеристика конспекта:
Уровни образования: — основное общее образование
Класс(ы): — 6 класс
Класс(ы): — 7 класс
Предмет(ы): — Английский язык
Целевая аудитория: — Учащийся (студент)
Целевая аудитория: — Учитель (преподаватель)
Тип ресурса: — проект
Краткое описание ресурса: —
I. Working on our project “The most popular transport in our town” we have got some interesting information.
As you know there are many transport means in our town. They are cars, buses, vans, lorries and coaches. But in the streets we can`t see any draft animals such as horses, camels, donkeys. We can`t see trams, trolleybuses and ferries.
I. Working on our project “The most popular transport in our town” we have got some interesting information.
As you know there are many transport means in our town. They are cars, buses, vans, lorries and coaches. But in the streets we can`t see any draft animals such as horses, camels, donkeys. We can`t see trams, trolleybuses and ferries.
We have interviewed 10 classmates and have known that
1. The slowest transport is a camel.
2. The cheapest transport is a bicycle.
3. The fastest transport is plane.
4. The most exciting transport is a horse.
5. The most expensive transport is a helicopter,
6. The most useful transport is a car.
II. In our town we can travel by cars, coaches and buses.
In our town we can ride a bicycle only in summer.
In our town we can drive a car, a lorry, a bus.
In our town we can`t ride a horse, a camel, a donkey.
In our town we can fly in a plane and helicopter.
In our town we can see a car, a coach, a bus, a plane, a helicopter, a train, a boat, a bicycle.
We can`t see a horse, a camel, a donkey, a lorry, a ferry, a tram, a trolleybus.
III. We have interviewed 10 classmates about their travel experiences. We asked them some questions about travelling by some transport means. After that we got some information.
1. Everybody has gone by car, by plane, by bicycle and by bus.
2. …9.. persons has travelled by train.
3. 7 persons has gone by ship, by horse, by lorry and by boat.
4. …6.. persons has travelled by camel and by coach.
5. …5.. persons has flown in a helicopter.
6. 4.. persons has gone by tram.
7. 3.. persons has gone by trolleybus.
8. 2.. persons has ridden a donkey.
9. 1 person has travelled by ferry.
10. 10 people used a plane to travel to another town. 4 people used a plane to travel abroad and 2 people used a coach to travel abroad.
IV. As you can see one of the most favourite transports is a car.
People drive cars for business and for pleasure. They use cars for travelling. Driving a car we can go around the country and abroad.
Let’s take a ride in one of our cars. People love cars and spend a lot of time in them.
In modern cars we have roll up or down windows. Almost every car has a heater and an air conditio-ner to keep us warm in the winter and cool in the sum¬mer.
Do you know the parts of a car?
1. You use turn signals when you want to go left or right.
2. You use a brake to stop.
3. You use a bumper to lessen the effect of collision.
4. You can put luggage in a trunk.
5. You turn a steering wheel to steer the car.
6. You use a horn to warn other drivers.
7. You put gas in a gas tank .
8. A hood covers the engine.
9. You turn headlights on at night.
10. Tire is the band of rubber on the rim (обод) of the wheel.
V. Another most popular transport is a bike.
Boys ride a bike for business and for pleasure. They use bikes for travelling around a town.
Let’s take a ride in one of our bikes. Young boys and girls, teens and adults love bikes and spend a lot of time riding them in summer.
Modern bike has two wheels, two pedals, breaks, a steering wheel, a headlight, a seat and a small trunk. While using a bike you should put a helmet on. Always wear a helmet when you ride a bike. It makes your journey safe. You also should have a first aid kit, a repair kit and a pump.
VI. Now we hope that you know everything about transport in our town.
Have a nice trip!
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