Автор конспекта:
Автор(ы): — Каменская Наталья Александровна

Место работы, должность: — МБОУ СОШ №19 г.Мичуринск

Регион: — Тамбовская область

Характеристики урока (занятия) Уровень образования: — среднее (полное) общее образование

Целевая аудитория: — Учащийся (студент)

Класс(ы): — 6 класс

Предмет(ы): — Английский язык

Цель урока: —

Создать условия для проектной работы по теме “Myfamilyis..” через поэтапную отработку материала с помощью всех видов речевой деятельности.

Тип урока: — Комбинированный урок

Учащихся в классе (аудитории): — 14

Используемые учебники и учебные пособия: —

учебник английского языка М.З.Биболетова "Enjoy English" 6 класс, раздаточный материал.

Используемая методическая литература: —

Enjoy English/Английский с удовольствием. Книга для учителя. 5-6 классы
Биболетова М.З.;

Соловова Е. Н. Методика обучения иностранным языкам: базовый курс.- М.: Астрель, 2009

Используемое оборудование: —

ПК, медиа-проектор, медиа-презентация (Приложение 1), заготовки для выполнения проекта, фломастеры,

Краткое описание: — Путём выполнения серии упражнений учащиеся отрабатывают степени сравнения имён прилагательных, отрабатывают лексический материал и развивают навыки устной речи

Ход урока

Stages of the lesson

Teacher’s activity

Students’ activity

I. The beginning of the lesson

Glad to see you again, dear friends!

Nice day, isn’t it?

How did you start this morning, boys and girls? Did you help your mother in the morning?

Nice of you to do that. What are we going to speak about?

I helped my mother to lay the table for tea.

I helped my little sister to be ready for school.

Maybe we are going to speak about our duties in the family.

1. Presentation of the aim of the lesson.

Slide 1


You are perfectly right. What problems should we discuss speaking about family life?

So, we’ll try to speak about family relations, traditions and family activities.


- relatives

- family duties

- family traditions

- family activities

- family holidays

2. Speech drill

Slide 2

Answer my questions:

  • Are you alone in the family or have you got sisters and brothers?

  • Is it good or bad to be alone in the family?

  • Have you got a younger sister or brother?

  • 3. Grammar activity. Degrees of comparison

    Choose the right word(elder, younger, the eldest, the youngest)


    Slide 3

    4. Dialogue activity

    Slide 4

    Make up similar dialogue about your

    (In pairs)

    5. Vocabulary work

    Slide 5,6

    Match the words with their definitions.

    Guess the riddles.

    Card 1


    6. Reading activity

    Have you got relatives? Read the text and

    list family words and explain what they mean.

    Card 2


    7. Work with vocabulary

    In groups

    Who are they? What are they?

    Look at the words. Note those of them which have pairs.

    Slide 7

    Slide 8

    8. Discussion

    Slide 9

    So we spoke much about relatives.

    Listen to children’s opinion about their parents’ responsibilities.

    Do you agree?

    I agree (disagree)

    I think

    As for me

    To my mind

    9. Poetry minute

    Slide 9

    And now would you like to speak about your duties in your family? Do you help your relatives and parents?

    Listen to the poem.

    Does the boy help his relatives?


    I think

    I can say

    I can add

    10. Speaking activity

    What do you do helping about the house?

    Slide 10

    ( in turn)

    11. Monologue speech

    Slide 12

    Slide 13

    Do you spend your free time together with your family? Describe the photos.

    Have you got family traditions?

    - to invite friends to birthday party;

    - to meet New Year with the family;

    - to spend summer holiday together;

    - to meet grandparents every week;

    - to go to the museum;

    - to build snow town let.

    12. Creative work

    Slide 14

    Let’s read the rules of Sasha’s family.

    Would you like to do the same?

    Describe types of families:

    A friendly family is

    A hospitable family is

    An ideal family is

    A conservative family is

    E.g. A friendly family is a family where members help each other.

    - to meet guests.

    - to have 2 or more than 2 children.

    - parents are very strict.

    13. Reading

    Read the text about a coat of arms.

    Try to draw a coat of arms of your family. You may speak about your family hobbies, traditions and so on.

    Slide 15

    14. Creative work

    Let’s make a project:

    Plan of the project

    My family is…’

    - Family dictionary (who is who in your family)

    - Coat of arms of the family

    - Family rules

    - Family traditions

    - Family activities

    III. The end of the lesson

    Home task



    You will continue your project at home.

    It will be your home task.

    What did we speak about this lesson?

    What information have you got?

    Thank you for your work. You did your best this lesson. Good bye.

    Файлы: pril1 (1).ppt
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    ( план – конспект урока 1 класс 5 класс. 6 класс 7 класс 8 класс 9 класс 10 класс Английский язык Литературное чтение Математика Музыка ОБЖ Окружающий мир Оренбургская область Физика ЦОР алгебра биология викторина внеклассное мероприятие география геометрия здоровье игра информатика история классный час конкурс конспект урока краеведение кроссворд литература начальная школа обществознание презентация программа проект рабочая программа русский язык тест технология урок химия экология